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Tea ceremony experience with Japanese sweet

Duration: about 1hour

Opening hours: 10am-5pm <Reservations required>

¥ 2,000per person 

¥ 3,000 (In case of single participant)


  • ​ First the tea master will serve Japanese sweets and bowls of green tea for guests following procedure is adapted from the Ura Senke(裏千家) way of preparation.

  Guests also can make own matcha green tea.  

  • ​ Learn the art of the tea ceremony from the monk in Nyoganji as well as tea master. Gain insights into the significance of each movement, utensil, and the philosophy behind the ceremony!




Japanese calligraphy work shop

Duration: about 1hour

Opening hours: 9am-5pm <Reservations required>

¥ 2,000per person 


  • ​ Learn the key techniques for writing Japanese characters and Chinese letters using an ink, brush, and a paper

  • Create your own calligraphic pieces that you can take with you

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Welcome to Our temple , 如願寺Nyoganji.

This is the biggest and Oldest temple in this town named Kire, written in Kanji Chinese characters combination of 喜“pleasure” and 連 “range”.


We can found the name Kire in the old book 古事記伝”Kojiki-den” in Edo period which is a commentary on the 古事記“Kojiki” an eighth century work.

 It is said, Nyoganji was built in the time of Yōmei emperor in 6th century (587-)

At first , this temple was named 喜連寺“Kire temple”

 People believe this Nyoganji temple (used to called Kire temple) was founded by聖徳太子,Shōtoku Taishi in 6th century


According to past beliefs there used to be a big complex of temples.

but it was declining year by year.


The Legend says , 弘法大師(空海)Kukai stopped here on the way to Mt.Koya in Wakayama Prefecture in 817.

Kukai is one of the best known and most beloved Buddhist saints founder of Shingon sect.

He felt so sad to see our decline and prayed for restoration.Then changed the name Nyoganji.


Original building burned down in a fire.This building was built in 1735.About 300yead old.

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